Tribal Government & Business

AMERIND Tribal Governments & Businesses coverage is designed to provide property and liability protection to Tribal governments and business enterprises in Indian Country.

We have designed our coverage to be market competitive for all product lines to include Property and Liability Solutions. Unlike most of our competitors, we prefer Tribal courts to state courts.

AMERIND has the ability to deliver insurance products at a reduced cost due to our lower expense ratio. Our expertise and professional relationships provide the best experience and highest quality of service to Tribal governments.

Although AMERIND entered the market due to the crises in Tribal Housing insurance, we have refined and expanded our product offering to include Tribal governments. Our housing experience has given us a clear understanding of the various Tribal cultures and court systems. We are very comfortable working with our member Tribes and their communities.

Coverage may include:

  • Property Coverage
  • Business Income/Extra Expense
  • General Liability
  • Crime Coverage
  • Tribal Officials Directors and Officers
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Cemetery Errors & Omissions
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Employee Benefits Liability
  • Law Enforcement Liability
  • Medical Professional
  • Excess Liability
  • Flood & Earth Movement
  • Equipment Breakdown (Boilers & Machinery)
  • Active Assailant
  • Inland Marine

Because we see individual Tribal needs as unique, we highly recommend engaging a field representative to assist in assessment and compilation of underwriting information. We will walk you through our application process so you can understand the types of information we will collect.

Let us provide you with more detailed information on how our Tribal Governments & Business coverage will benefit you. Contact us at (800) 352-3496.

Download and print the TGB Rack Card for a summary of coverage.