Our Story

AMERIND is a powerful story of Indian Country coming together in a moment of crisis.

The year 1986 brought an unprecedented threat to Indian Housing as traditional carriers were discontinuing coverage. Indian Housing was ultimately left with one option that came with an outrageous price tag and was out of reach for Indian Housing Authorities. Without coverage, the federal government would find each Indian Housing Authority in violation of its housing contract. Tribal Nations knew they couldn’t stand by and let Indian Housing suffer.

A group of representatives from the National American Indian Housing Council and the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) spent countless hours to find a solution that best met the cultural, environmental, and geographic needs of their Tribal members. They were working with a tight deadline, requiring Indian Housing Authorities to be insured by November 2, 1986. And so, a crisis story became a creation story. Over 400 Tribes came together to share risk, pool resources, and ensure a strong future for Indian Country. With two days to spare, AMERIND was incorporated at almost half the cost and with services superior to what was previously provided.

The spirit of Tribal Sovereignty runs deep in AMERIND’s story. We believe in keeping Tribal dollars in Indian Country and empowering Tribal communities. AMERIND moved its offices out of Washington, D.C. and into New Mexico, closer to the way of life AMERIND is dedicated to protecting. We have listened and responded to the unique needs of our People, expanding to offer full commercial insurance coverage for Tribal housing, governments, and businesses in Indian Country.

AMERIND founders stepped up to protect Indian Country when no one else would. Today, AMERIND remains the country’s only 100 percent Tribally owned insurance carrier. We will be there for as long as Tribes need us.

Our Vision

Tribes Protecting Tribes

Our Mission

Be here for as long as Tribes need us. Keep Indian money in Indian Country.

Our Purpose

AMERIND’s purpose is to create affordable and sustainable insurance products and services for Indian Country.